Bitacora MarketeraServices - Qualitative research

Focus Group

Focus Group is a dynamic qualitative research that seeks to clarify consumers´ perceptions regarding a product or service. Through a dialogue with a sample of consumers or potential consumers, we try to obtain relevant information that will guide us in understanding consumer behaviour, enabling us to create successful advertising or marketing campaigns.

Group sessions or focus groups are the most widely used tools in qualitative studies, as they are very useful in detecting consumers´ needs, defining or evaluating advertising, product testing, etc.

Similarly to in-depth interviews, Bitacora Marketera uses this technique in the design of questionnaires for quantitative research and the formulation of hypotheses regarding the behaviour and attitudes of consumers to a particular product, brand or situation.

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Ad-Hoc Studies

Bitacora Marketera do special studies on specific issues that our clients entrust us. For them we draw a work plan that includes research objectives, which are given to us by the client and begin to conduct the study will serve to gather the information that you need for your product or service.

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In-Depth Interview

This technique involves performing a non-structured interview, whose main objective is to investigate exhaustively to a single person, so that it feels comfortable and free to express in detail their beliefs, attitudes and feelings about a topic under study.

Is mainly in exploratory research, especially in studies where the research problem relates to issues confidential, sensitive or embarrassing, or when the pressure of a group can affect the interviewee's answers. Likewise, it is an indispensable tool in business qualitative studies where the time constraints of the interviewees and the subjects required. Recommended in the following cases: Se recomienda en los siguientes casos:

  • Requires information about a confidential matter, very emotional, or embarrassing (eg studies on the use of financial services).

  • Approach involves behaviors which are socially acceptable rules and the need to compromise with them in discussion groups influences the responses (eg, price sensitivity studies of the food category).

  • Include a process of behavior or complex decision that requires a detailed description step by step idiosyncratic (eg. needs assessment study.)

  • When group interviews are difficult to program for the target population (eg studies of brand loyalty in high-profile managers).

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Customer Incognito

This technique consists in the interviewer or buyer visiting shopping outlets and public places in an anonymous capacity, allowing the employees or service providers to act naturally.

Bitacora Marketera uses this technique in order to help assess and improve the organization service standards, by comparing their performance with those of their competitors.

Unlike most forms of primary collection of market research, in this technique the subject is completely unaware that he is under investigation. The fundamental principles for the application of this technique are:

  • Must be executed in such a way that it does not constitute waste of time or financial resources of the companies or individuals under study.

  • The good will of the people should not be misused nor should it affect their performance.

  • The score report must not show or refer to particular individuals or outlets but should only exhibit aggregate results.

  • The recording should not be done if it threatens the anonymity of the people under study.

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Evaluation done before launching a product or service, with a view to avoid blundering and be able to meet all market expectations, so that consumers or potential consumers can fully understand the concept. It is very useful to determine the potential market of a product or service (the concept) to be launched.

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